Creating content that excites and engages

Creating compelling content is challenging and requires guts. You need to know what your audience is hungry for and how to deliver it on a consistent basis.

Here’s the bottom line — what does your audience want? What will make them stick around? This isn't something you figure out once, twice, or even three times. You do this for every post you create, and it needs to be done with earnest feeling because the answer is different every time. The only way you're going to discover that answer is by changing things up.

Creating content that truly resonates with your audience takes time, planning, research, and dedication. Content is what helps you get the word out about your company, but it’s no get-rich-quick scheme by any means. If you aren’t putting in the hours of hard work needed to produce engaging content consistently, you are leaving money on the table.

Achieving the holy grail of content marketing — consistency — isn't as easy as it sounds. In fact, many people struggle with this crucial step, and even those that manage to establish a regular output of good content have problems keeping it up over the long-term.

Here are some tips on creating awesome content that will appeal to your target audience.

Where to play

You probably have a big plan to conquer the world through your company's content marketing. But how are you going to do that? Well, there are various ways in which content can be delivered. Part of getting your content strategy right is understanding the different channels available to you, and where your brand should play.

There is no point in dancing with a partner whose moves you do not know. If your brand wants to make a success of itself, it needs to flex its journalistic muscles and start writing specifically for each content channel.

In the Internet arena, you have to be ready for a multi-front battle. Some of the more popular content channels include:

Social media

Without a doubt, you need to get on social media. It's an opportunity to engage with the world and to appreciate feedback and suggestions for how to make your business better. You can use social media to build up a community of followers, and engage with them. A social share is invaluable — it helps you reach more people and can improve your search engine rankings, too.

Ebooks and Whitepapers

Ebooks and white papers are fantastic tools to build your email list. And they're an awesome way to educate your customers on the nitty gritty of your industry, allowing you to convert them into regular (paying) customers down the road.


Writing blogs is a great way to hone in on the voice and tone we want to present. This doesn't just help with SEO but also provides a number of other benefits, such as clarity and amplification opportunities.


Videos are an exciting, dynamic way to tell the story of your brand with a face. And whether you're creating serious business content or just having fun with friends, video has become an extremely important part of how people communicate with one another in the digital age. Sure, we've had video cameras and YouTube for a while now — but it was only recently that we started to see videos used effectively by brands and businesses on their websites and social media profiles.


It's the ultimate in cross-platform content. Your podcast is accessible on mobile, desktop, or in-car. It will be your #1 choice when you want to reach out to new audiences for your business as it builds familiarity. Listeners tend to subscribe to a podcast they like so they can regularly listen and keep up with your brand.

Curiosity killed the cat

Curiosity is to people what a video of kittens falling asleep in 30 seconds is to the internet - ridiculously popular. This is because everyone is curious by nature, and it has been said that curiosity is "the desire for knowledge". Obviously, the reason people are looking up information online is to learn.

Content creation is an ever-changing field, and it's up to you to remain curious about what audience, what they're doing and why. The more you understand your audience — their wants and needs — the greater the content you can create for them.

Being the best writer in the world doesn't just happen. The writing world is always changing, and what was entertaining for an audience three years ago may be irrelevant today. To remain the best writer in your niche, or to become known as one, you have to keep reading so you don't miss any opportunities to find ways to reinvent dated topics, or create unique spins on tired old stories your competitors are telling.

Role of the influencer

Influencers — whether they are celebrities or leaders in your industry — can really help boost your social media efforts. They help amp up the message and spirit of your brand, and can really help you connect to your audience. Instagram remains the platform of choice for brands to interact with customers, where influence can be powerful.

Instagram breathes life into your brand. Its built-in audience wants the best of the best, and Instagram is that social media platform that allows you to provide magic. Because it has the most potential for self-referential content, Instagram has forged relationships with companies, creating a never-ending stream of energetic posts that are almost self-generating.

Influencers are like mini celebrities when it comes to marketing your brand. By engaging influencers to create native ads for your brand, you can improve the way your company is perceived by consumers, which in turn leads to increased engagement and conversion rates. Influencer content tends to be more emotional and more memorable than that of mainstream advertising, which has the potential to give your company a huge boost in consumer awareness.

The power of visuals

Visuals are the most important part of your content. Why? Because humans are biologically wired to respond to what they see. Colour and movement capture our attention like nothing else, so it's vital to include them in your content. Images are included on social media feeds, so try not to skimp on them! Your choice of image can have a huge impact on how customers perceive your content, so choose wisely.

Human beings are visually-oriented creatures. Our vision largely shapes how we see the world, and how we consume content. We're wired to respond to what we see — and that's why businesses need to use visual content strategies to promote their business and reach out to their target audience.

Killing it at the game of content marketing

Your audience has grown weary of boring content. You know what they want? Excitement! Fun! Entertainment!

Here are some super simple ways to create content that doesn't just blow your audience away, but also fulfils your business goals;

Expand your channels

Use as many channels as possible. You want to remind customers that you're there, and also entice them with the prospect of new and interesting content. Sometimes, your message can take a very long time to sink in — and even then, it may not take! Making sure that your brand is remembered — and not forgotten — is key to lasting success.

There are a million and one ways to get your business in front of eyeballs, but only a few that provide the most bang for your buck. To take off, you need to connect with customers on a personal level. And by using different channels, you can speak to your audience in the way they prefer. Some like video while others just need a quick image and some text.

Understand your customers

Constantly learn about your customers, or else. As mentioned, we live in a dynamic society with changing moods, views, and technology influencing your audience every day. If you aren't paying attention to this — and to what your competitors are doing — then you might as well shut up shop and kiss your business goodbye.

Buck the trend, be disruptive!

Sometimes you have to go against the grain to get conversions. By challenging common thoughts and perceptions, you can spill tea on fragile social norms, spark new conversations, and create buzz around your brand.

Disruptive marketing is when you take all the rules of marketing you learned in school, kick them over, grind them into dust with your shoe, spread them on toast, and eat it for breakfast. Disruptive marketing is about changing consumer perceptions in your industry not just about your company.

Many companies have a habit of using 'disrupt' within their phraseology, but this word has a very specific meaning. When a company says they're going to disrupt an industry or that they're going to disrupt the status quo, they're really saying that they're going to completely change the way something is done. This is used to show how your company is going to improve on a certain aspect of an industry, and it's basically a very powerful term.

The word "disrupt" has a negative connotation, but when used correctly in a positive manner, it can revolutionise a company’s content marketing strategy.

Content is addictive. It makes our minds tingle, and increases our chances of making the sale. Disrupting your customers' minds by exposing flaws in conventional wisdom is an essential part of content marketing.

No walk in the park

Creating share-worthy content is no walk in the park — it takes a lot more than finding the right words. Creating share worthy content requires one to be a savvy marketer who knows how to deliver what their customer wants and maximize use of all resources at their disposal.

Creativity is the core of all content. Sure, you need words to get your message across. But ultimately, success also lies in compelling visuals and a well-planned channel strategy. The more diverse your modes of expression, the more opportunities you have to spread the word.

Hootsling 31/12/21