Specialists at the point of need

The new normal is rapid and constant change. This is ratcheting up demands on business agility at all levels across a myriad industries. 

For highly skilled and insight-dependent businesses these demands are becoming an acute and unrelenting pressure. Agency and consultancy is available within established industries but most often it’s inflexible, opaque and expensive – and unable to respond to demands that are hard to predict. Within new industries, agencies are often unreliable and results vary dramatically. A trusted and on-demand specialist in technical, tactical and strategic knowledge delivery has been a long time coming. 

Enter 10K60. 

10K60 is a response to a compounding set of new marketplace demands, making specialist knowhow available at the point of need within selected industries.

Always ready to step in

Tech-enabled, nimble, niche operators are taking larger slices out of established markets. All the while, role challenges and on-demand skill-set shortages undermine incumbent global operations. When established players begin to buckle under new market forces, specialists ready to hit the ground running are those that break through. 

Specialist knowhow also isn’t readily available to entry level businesses within complex markets. New players and players looking to up their game also don’t quite know who to look to – to uncover missing pieces of their innovation puzzle.

In this context, hybrid roles struggle to deliver effective solutions. And, within the start-up world, highly specialised, full-time hires hoover up precious resource. For small business things are worse yet. Additional, project-critical, full-time hires are simply not an option.

Enter 10K60. 

Whether it’s to plug a technical skills-gap or assist in taking advantage of a strategic opportunity, a 10K60 business is ready to step into the breach. Trusted to deliver solutions that subvert entrenched organisational challenges, a 10K60 business will increase operational efficiency and is more likely to break new ground.

Tomorrow’s ecosystem, today 

The key to sustaining business agility is a combination of industry knowhow, specialist ability and depth of service. Market disruption, greater competition, tighter budgets, faster business cycles, ethical and environmental concerns, increasing governance and regulation, and higher customer expectation means that there’s pressure to achieve more with less.

Enter 10K60.

10K60 is more than a support system of related businesses. It’s an extensible, next-generation business model. It’s a model suited to industries where the barriers to success are high. It’s an integrated network that’s delving into an increasing number of industries, beginning with Packaging Development and Content Marketing. 

The future is bright, the future is ad hoc

Within complex markets, demand for highly skilled people can be unpredictable, often leaving operations hanging, unable to solve venture-crippling problems and missing out on opportunities. Responding effectively to unpredictable demands requires a service that’s fleet of foot, able to turn on a penny and effortlessly expert.

Enter 10K60.

10K60 businesses respond with expert ease on an ad hoc basis across related areas within an industry – and often also across industries. Interdependent services within an ecosystem provide network benefits, including the cross-pollination of industry knowledge that yields hard-to-match insights and capabilities.

Expertise that’s embedded within

Meeting the highest standards within an industry is the tall order that 10K60 is set up to deliver. In short, 10K60 is a coded representation of the 10 000 hours that it takes to reach expert-level proficiency within a field. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell revealed this now famous insight. The name is highly conceptual yet also deeply technical, which reflects the strategic as well as the nuts and bolts capabilities of 10K60 businesses.

10K60 is a growing network that offers elevating and sustaining ad hoc support. In surgically precise marketing terms, 10K60 is the de facto, go-to network for as-needs, industry-specific expertise that’s both cost-effective and affordable. When start-ups, SMEs and MNCs need ad hoc specialist support...

Enter 10K60.